Debt Archives - Rockland Bankruptcy - Frank J. LaPerch, PC


Financial problems are some of the most stressful a person can face. If you find yourself in a tough predicament, it is possible to offer a payoff settlement to creditors. This means you offer to repay less to the lender than the total amount owed on a debt and to make that payment in one […]

Contacting a bankruptcy attorneyContacting a bankruptcy attorney is something the average person tends to put off for as long as possible. Unfortunately, waiting too long can cost you even more. Though you do not want to rush into such an important decision, once you know for sure bankruptcy is a reasonable option, you should act […]

Not having enough money to pay your bills is usually a symptom of a bigger problem. Unfortunately, it can indicate a serious issue with your financial health. In many cases, something that begins as a minor problem making ends meet can spiral out of control. This is especially true for many lower and middle income […]

Bankruptcy is a mysterious process to many and in some cases people are embarrassed to admit bankruptcy is their only option. Unfortunately, society has created a bankruptcy stigma and people who choose to file believe they will be viewed as irresponsible or careless, and avoid filing, even if it is in their best interest. As […]

For many people experiencing financial struggles, bankruptcy is an absolute last resort and they will do whatever it takes to avoid filing. Unfortunately, “whatever it takes” is often far more detrimental than had they chosen bankruptcy. Though bankruptcy does signify a person is experiencing significant financial hardship, it provides an opportunity to put an end […]

Financial debt occurs when you borrow money to pay for something. There are two types: unsecured and secured. It is the item or items for which the money is borrowed that determine whether it is secured or unsecured debt. For instance, if there is property a creditor can take from you if you fail to […]

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