Payday loans might seem like a convenient way to get cash quickly when you are stuck in a bind, but…
Credit cards are one of the primary reasons people travel down the road to bankruptcy. They can be powerful tools…
Having past due bills is a common problem for many Americans. Unfortunately for some, unpaid bills are such a problem…
When you file for bankruptcy you will be required to participate in credit counseling just prior to filing, and you…
Unless you have faced financial problems and dealt with the relentless behavior of creditors and bill collectors, you won’t quite…
If you have fallen behind on a debt the lender might offer you an installment agreement to encourage you to…
It’s that time of year when you can reflect on the 12 months that passed and begin to look forward…
Medical debt is one of the most common reasons people are pushed into financial turmoil. Most medical debt comes unexpectedly…
There are many reasons why people choose to file for bankruptcy, but most fall into one of a few categories.…
If you have not paid a debt it is possible the creditor will file a claim in court and obtain…