Chapter 7 Archives - Rockland Bankruptcy - Frank J. LaPerch, PC


Many people are surprised to learn much of what they thought they knew about bankruptcy is actually untrue. Chances are unless you are struggling with debt or considering bankruptcy, you pay little attention to bankruptcy law. Unfortunately, this leads to a lot of misunderstanding about the process, and in situations when a person might be […]

Financial issues are often a point of contention during a divorce and bankruptcy can complicate the situation even further. When soon-to-be-former spouses are considering or in the process of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the decision to divorce can have a major effect on the bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the option chosen by those who […]

For many people experiencing financial struggles, bankruptcy is an absolute last resort and they will do whatever it takes to avoid filing. Unfortunately, “whatever it takes” is often far more detrimental than had they chosen bankruptcy. Though bankruptcy does signify a person is experiencing significant financial hardship, it provides an opportunity to put an end […]

Financial debt occurs when you borrow money to pay for something. There are two types: unsecured and secured. It is the item or items for which the money is borrowed that determine whether it is secured or unsecured debt. For instance, if there is property a creditor can take from you if you fail to […]

Wage garnishment is a term that frightens many people facing financial hardship. This is due in part to people not fully understanding how wage garnishment works. If a person owes a debt and is unable to pay it of his or her own accord, and he or she has a steady income from an employer, […]

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