Chapter 13 Archives - Rockland Bankruptcy - Frank J. LaPerch, PC


Many homeowners have a second mortgage on their homes. It can be an effective tool for easing financial challenges, helping with renovations and other bigger expenses, or for creating a better arrangement when you first buy your home. Like with any debt, there is a certain level of unpredictability as to how life challenges and […]

Finances are one of the most contentious issues in a marriage. This is especially true when one spouse has serious financial problems and the other has none – or at least not enough to warrant filing for bankruptcy. It’s possible for one spouse to file for bankruptcy without the other doing the same, but rarely […]

Having to file for bankruptcy is often viewed as something negative, but recent evidence shows filing might actually extend your life. Of course, nobody is saying if you have perfect credit you should rush out, overextend yourself, and get into enough financial trouble to qualify for bankruptcy. However, if you are currently facing financial challenges […]

Bankruptcy can help you gain control of your financial situation and give you hope for the future. It also triggers some significant changes in your life. Those changes begin with filing and completing the lengthy list of to-do’s needed to ensure your bankruptcy is successful. Here are a few things you can do to make […]

There are many tools that can be used during the course of bankruptcy to ensure your protection and make things just a bit easier in the long run. Lien stripping and cram down are two examples of useful bankruptcy tools. Lien stripping and cram down are used during Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings. They help you […]

Filing for bankruptcy can be an intimidating experience, but working with a great attorney can make everything just a bit easier. Bankruptcy attorneys aren’t “one size fits all,” so if you are considering using bankruptcy as a tool to get you back on track financially, here are a few tips for choosing an attorney that […]

There is a tendency to view authority figures and those with any control over one’s life as an adversary – maybe even an enemy. This is especially true when we have made mistakes. If we feel out of control, someone stepping in and taking control can be intimidating. This is often the case when a […]

Bankruptcy court is often the most intimidating aspect of filing for bankruptcy. Someone who might be willing to file for bankruptcy if it were only a matter of filling out paperwork might choose a different path because the thought of “going to court” is just too overwhelming. The good news is bankruptcy court is not […]

Though it is possible for certain debts to be discharged when you file for bankruptcy, there are also cases in which creditors are paid the money they are owed – or at least a portion of it. If you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will pay your creditors back through a repayment plan that […]

There are many reasons why people choose to file for bankruptcy, but most fall into one of a few categories. If you are considering filing, it can be comforting to know that others have been in your shoes. If you face any of the following situations and feel backed into a corner financially, you are […]

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