Bankruptcy Archives - Rockland Bankruptcy - Frank J. LaPerch, PC


If you have not paid a debt it is possible the creditor will file a claim in court and obtain a judgment against you. What does this mean? A judgment is the result of a lawsuit. If a claim is filed against you regarding a debt and you do not file an answer within a […]

There are millions of people out there that have student loans and many are in the process of repaying these loans – a process that can take decades. And there are also those that are choosing to or not able to pay. The problem with debtors defaulting on student loans has become so widespread, lawmakers […]

If you are in debt and unable to make payments to your creditors, wage garnishment is a tool that can be used against you. Money is taken directly from your paycheck (wages) and given directly to the creditors without ever making it into your hands or your bank account. Though your creditors get paid, it […]

Bankruptcy is misunderstood by many as something they “declare” and move on from without debt. They know it damages their credit, but beyond that they do not understand that bankruptcy is a process. And because it is a process, there are things that should and should not be done in advance to prepare for filing […]

Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is an intimidating experience, but it is one that can help you wipe your financial slate clean and get a fresh start. Do your best to put whatever trepidations you might have concerning bankruptcy aside and make an effort to fix the problems you currently face. This might be the […]

You divorced your spouse in an effort to break the ties that bound you together, emotionally, legally, and financially. Unfortunately, for most couples, it is impossible to completely severe these ties once they are created. As strong as your desire to move forward and begin a new life, there will be certain things that could […]

Serious money struggles can introduce you to a whole world of new terms and concepts. It is one of the reasons why bankruptcy is such an intimidating experience – you understand the basics, but when you are immersed in the process suddenly it is as if everyone around you knows what they are talking about […]

Financial problems are some of the most stressful a person can face. If you find yourself in a tough predicament, it is possible to offer a payoff settlement to creditors. This means you offer to repay less to the lender than the total amount owed on a debt and to make that payment in one […]

By law, your bankruptcy application must be correction and complete, and if you omit information, even by mistake, it can lead to your request being denied. Not only might you ruin your chances for a successful bankruptcy, you could find yourself in serious legal trouble. Despite the dire warnings, there are instances in which information […]

Student loans are one of the most common types of debt for Americans and are often the reason people get into financial difficulty. If your student loans and other debts have left you considering bankruptcy, there are a few things you should know. There is a chance declaring bankruptcy will only take care of some […]

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