You may be at the point where creditors have now hired attorneys to pursue legal action against you. This is a very crucial time to act quickly before certain rights are lost. We will properly apprise you of your options and the consequences of these collection actions.
If bankruptcy is an option, there are certain steps that would need to be taken to make sure you do not suffer wage garnishments or frozen bank accounts or liens against property. If bankruptcy is not an option, we will then try and negotiate a favorable settlement.
Either way, the worst course of action is to do nothing. This is the time to contact an experienced attorney and gain valuable information and representation.
Debt Collection Defense Attorneys
Rockland-Bankruptcy is a Rockland County NY Bankruptcy Lawyer law firm. Our main offerings include: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyers for your bankruptcy cases.
Common Tags: Debt Collection Defense Law Firm Rockland County NY, Stony Point New York Attorneys, Garnerville NY Lawyers